“Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two” returns Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit to Wasteland, an alternate world filled with 80 years of forgotten Disney characters and theme park attractions. But for the first time, Mickey and Oswald will join forces as true partners – Mickey with his magical paint brush that wields paint and thinner, and Oswald with his powerful remote control that allows him to command electricity. This new co-op play combined with enhanced in-game physics will further enhance the idea that “PlayStyle Matters” – a unique approach to gameplay pioneered by Warren Spector where players dynamically tackle different challenges in order to explore all possibilities and storylines, but with consequences for their chosen actions.
Wii U system players will utilize the Wii U GamePad to view a fully detailed, real-time map of Wasteland with waypoints and markers to help guide them through the game and complete the different quests and side-quests. Players will also be able to use the GamePad to access sketches and activate them to use in-game for a more immersive experience.
Players can play as Oswald in drop-in, drop-out 2-player co-op mode with “The Power of Two” evident as Oswald participates in Mickey’s adventure every step of the way.
All in-game characters—most notably Oswald The Lucky Rabbit whose voice will be heard for the first time ever—are fully voiced by the official voice actors of those characters.
Players will experience Disney’s forgotten characters and attractions in all-new levels and further explore levels from the original “Disney Epic Mickey” game, but now changed, impacted by world-changing events that have shaken Wasteland apart. New 2D levels based on classic Disney animated films and shorts will offer compelling puzzle-based, platforming gameplay.
Players will enjoy an original game story co-written by award-winning American comic book writer, Marv Wolfman, and Junction Point. The storyline will feature a variety of new and returning characters that will further immerse players in Disney’s rich history while adversaries familiar and new will challenge players.
“Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two” is the first video game that can be described as a “musical,” where at various points during the adventure characters will express themselves and advance the plot by bursting into song. All songs feature original Disney-inspired music and lyrics. Players will also hear tunes and instrumentation that change based on their personal choices, which will ultimately allow each individual to “conduct” their own unique soundtrack.
*IMPORTANT* Product Information
All games, consoles and accessories, unless otherwise specified, have been traded into our store and are previously used products. However, we professionally test, clean, and format everything before it hits our shelves. It is safe to expect minor wear, but any serious markings will be noted. All disc based titles are scratch free. We recommend to you that if you have concerns about condition, please reach out to us and request pictures of your product before you order, we're happy to help!
What is included?
All cartridge games are sold as cartridge only unless specified. All disc based games are sold in case unless specified otherwise. Manuals for disc games are not assumed to be included unless specified but we do try and grab ones that will include manuals where we can.
All games and accessories include a 30 day warranty against defect. All consoles include a 90 day warranty against defect. Included accessories for consoles feature a 30 day warranty.
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