Developed by acclaimed game studio Spike, Dragon Ball: Raging Blast culls over 70 characters, including transformations, from the Dragon Ball Z tome to battle against each other throughout pivotal moments in the Dragon Ball series. Dragon Ball Z aficionados will be able to relive epic battles as their favorite heroes and villains from the series and also experience alternate universe moments that were left out of the original anime and manga series. New interactive and destructible environments lend an enhanced layer of intensity to the battle as characters can now take massive damage from being smashed into mountains, buildings and debris during intense battles ensuring epic Dragon Ball Z signature moves are delivered faithfully with devastating results. On top of classic signature moves, characters also benefit from a new "Super Rising" special attack system which allows players to quickly fly upwards throughout massive battle stages, adding a new layer of strategy and tactics to the melee.
*IMPORTANT* Product Information
All games, consoles and accessories, unless otherwise specified, have been traded into our store and are previously used products. However, we professionally test, clean, and format everything before it hits our shelves. It is safe to expect minor wear, but any serious markings will be noted. All disc based titles are scratch free. We recommend to you that if you have concerns about condition, please reach out to us and request pictures of your product before you order, we're happy to help!
What is included?
All cartridge games are sold as cartridge only unless specified. All disc based games are sold in case unless specified otherwise. Manuals for disc games are not assumed to be included unless specified but we do try and grab ones that will include manuals where we can.
All games and accessories include a 30 day warranty against defect. All consoles include a 90 day warranty against defect. Included accessories for consoles feature a 30 day warranty.
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