Repairs & Modifications
Power Up Gaming no longer provides customer repairs. This was a decision made during the 2020 COVID-19 shutdown by the owner. While this is inconvenient to our customers, it was a necessary change to keep evolving Power Up Gaming as a leader in our marketplace.
We do however provide a YouTube channel which highlights a lot of repair services while providing some guidance for the do-it-yourself people out there. You can reach that by clicking the following image:
Disc Repair Services

Power Up Gaming owns a state of the art, fully robotic disc refinishing system called the ELM Eco Master. This machine is truly incredible and can resurface all discs except Blu-Ray format discs. You simply load up to 50 discs in it at a time and when it is complete, every single disc is perfectly spotless. We have invested nearly $30,000 into this machine because we want to provide our customers the absolute best quality service we possibly can! We offer pricing as follows:
- 1 to 9 Discs (Price Per Disc) $5.00
- 10 to 25 Discs (Price Per Disc) $4.50
- 26 to 49 Discs (Price Per Disc) $4.00
- 50+ Discs (Price Per Disc) $3.50
We do not make any warranty claims in regards to restoring the function of a disc that is not currently working. There are many other issues that appear with discs other then scratches which include disc rot, data layer scratches and more which can not be repaired with disc refinishing.